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Tuesday 3 May 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? EVALUATION QUESTION 6

Technology used

Cameras: One of technoligies that I used within the process of filming the footage were two types of cameras. First camera that we did get to use, was a camera, which had very high quality,But the minus was that it was very heavy, and as we spent a lot of time holding the camera, we exchanged it to a smaller camera, which didn't have killer quality, but atleast it was more comfortable to carry around. So I have learnt that the big cameras are more heavy than they look! Also we had to keep camera in it's case, just incase if anybody would drop it. We also had to keep the camera out of the reach of rain. So we did look after the camera a lot in order to keep it safe, as it is school property.
IMac: At first the IMacs were frastrating me, as I had to get used to it in order to use it with all the advantages, that it offered. The programms that we used for the editing were I Movie and GarageBand. We also used Photoshop for few aspects.
  What have I learnt about the technologies from this process? HA! I have learnt how to edit the sound and the visual aspects of the footage thatI have given or I have filmed. I have learnt How to use theese both programmes quite well and I think that this is a very big advantage, as beforehand I know only the basic stuff.
  Photoshop was quite hard to use, as it confused me alot, so I haven't really learnt a lot about Photoshop from this process, but I think that it takes a bit more time to get used to programmes like that. Also the reason from me knowing how to use I Movie and GarageBand better is that I used it much more.

By: Simona Larka 9575

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