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Thursday 5 May 2011

Filming ! - Amira Duale


My role as the camera person was to film the entire sequence this meant that i had to be able to have a hands on role in getting the sequence to my liking and as well as my team members. This meant i had to also direct some parts of the filming as well as Ash and see what he'd prefer and what actually looked good on the camera that i was looking through.


At the beginning of the process of filming I used the larger camera this however changed during the filming as we saw it be very heavy and carrying it everywhere this was impossible to do and it would waste our time. However this camera was very precise in capturing the characters and making it more realistic and professional the editors of the opening sequel was Ash and Simona and they found editing with this camera very interesting because it was very professional looking and looked good.

 Switching camera's

After Switching the cameras i have realised it was very good as an hand-he;d because it was very light and we didn't have to worry about it as much as the other one this was very good for me since i would be the one that would be carrying it everywhere. We also used tripods throughout the filming because we found it to be more steady than the actual camera it self, using it without a tripod was very convenient  for us too because we wanted to get that realistic look such as the movies Kiddulthood and Adulthood.

Filming the sequel i found that it was interesting and very rewarding to the sequel and doing the right things such as the different shots together would be very easy for our editors. The camera that was used throughout the movie was a  Legria fs200 -

By Amira Duale

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