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Monday 2 May 2011

Props Organisation

In our product there are a number of props we will be needing.

Headphones for Ozzy to wear
A small bag which will be used as the bag of drugs Ozzy trades.
Paint Brushes

Most Importantly the painting of Simona...

-The painting of simona would have to be from Ozzys point of view since he is painting her in class. Obviously this would be hard to do in the time of filming so the painting would have to be done prior filming.

To make the painting as accurate we would have to film the whole of that scene excluding the shot of the painting.
Then i would have to freeze frame the shot of Simona ,from Ozzy's point of view, we plan to film and use that image to paint from.
Then we would have to film the shot of the canvas with the painting on it and edit it in.

By Ash Khan

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