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Monday 2 May 2011

Editing the Film

After all the filming was done we had the hard job of editing.
We  ended up with nearly an hour of film which we had to reduce to below 2 minute 30.

In the first sessions of editing we focused on cutting the film down to about 2 minute. We had to make sure it made sense for the audience too though. The most important thing was to tell the story, and then once this was done we could add the creative shots and titles.

We learnt that we could cut shots to make it have meaning.
For example we cut between the shot of Simona's and Ozzy's eyes to make it look like they looked at each other and this also this shows some romantic chemistry between the two characters.

Editing the painting of Simona;
The painting of simona had to be from Ozzys point of view since he is painting her in class. This was hard to do in the time of filming so the painting had to be done prior filming.

To make the painting as accurate we had to film the whole of that scene excluding the shot of the painting.
I then had to freeze frame the shot of Simona, from Ozzy's point of view, and then went on to then paint it from that freeze frame. If i had painted Simona before actually shooting her reaction, it may have differed from the scene behind her and what she may have been wearing. We had to film the shot of the canvas with the painting on it and edit it in. 

Editing with the music;
We needed a song that linked to our genre, and music that the main character Ozzy would listen to. At first the music is non digetic as it can be heard at the very beginning, as you see the titles come up (linking to the normal conventions of real films). Once we are introduced to Ozzy, we don't see he has headphones until half way through the titles. The music (after the bell can be heard) then stops, showing he is actually listening to the music on his phone. the music then becomes digetic as both the audience and the character can hear the song. The song fades to a low volume until you see him put the headphones back in as he's walking down the corridor  The song then heightens, until he walks away from Simona and Amira, where their conversation starts and he is out of the shot. The music once again heightens in volume when he approaches Dara. 

We had to do this editing on 'Garage Band'. This allowed us to increase and decrease sounds at appropriate times, as well as keeping the original atmospheric track and verbal language. I had to search for this song on a website called 'Free Play'. This was avoid any copy right issues. We used garage band to search for the appropriate bell sound, which sounded realistic. This was copy right free as it already existed on garage band as a means for sound effects.

 During the conversation with Amira and Simona i had to make sure the sound of song was decreased so you can hear both characters. We attempted to film the audio of the conversation and then filmed them, and used it as a voice over. This was unsuccessful as the sound didn't seem natural ideal. You could tell it was a voice over. I had to use the actual audio from the conversation which was fine and we realised it was ok to use. 

By Ash Khan

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