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Thursday 5 May 2011

Is your media product glamourising drug dealing?

By: Amira and Simona

In this Discussion with Simon (host) she asked me the question if our opening sequence was : Glamourising drug dealing to inform our youth that it wasnt all about the rough life but to inforn the audience that there is a better life rather than being in the streets and doing things you shouldn't be. In this discussion we discussed the facts that would occur after going through this such as :jail , death etc. Our audience were the main concern  for our opening sequece because we would rather be a role model through our filming than an bad influence .

Ozzy our opening  sequence we see the main charcter Ozyy have a rough upringing although he goes to school we see him also doing drugs part time whilst doing Art on the side. We see him sneaking out the door whilst Simona the character is doing her work (painting) here we see him quickly run out and she follows him, her reaction to him doing the drugs was not a good one. A close up of Simona's face in our sequence toward the end and she seemed so distressed, let down and shocked at the fact that she saw the boy that she liked was doing this behind her back and we instantly see Ozzy's face where the camera was a low angle shot insinuating the superiority of the character Ozzy and his influence to the youth.

In conclusion to the Question the host had given me my conclusion to it was that our ratings for this movie is 15 + and that was our final decision and we made it this age for a purpose that younger kids wouldnt be allowed to watch it because it entailed some drug/ violence. If we had the pleasure in creating the entire movie we would have seen Ash (Ozzy) the main character in a really dark misfortunate place and we would have seen him in a really a place that we would never want to any of our family/loved ones go through and this was the case for Simona. So glamourising drug deaing wasn't on our agenda on making this opening sequence but to rather inform the young ones out there who would be interested in our sequal.

By Amira Duale

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