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Tuesday 3 May 2011

How does your media product represent particular social group? EVALUATION QUESTION 2

Representation of characters: The location we chose for our project is school/college. One of reasons were, that it would straight away make the representation part more interesting, as within school environment there are a lot of different people with different lifestyles. Our movie opening represents real environment and real life situations that happen within school environment.

Ozzy                                                                        Simona
*Teenager (confused, independent)                          *Teenager (against drugs)
*Art classroom (artistic background)                        *Art classroom (artistic background)
*Hoody                                                                   *Casual style
*Danger (male)                                                        * Worried, sensitive (female)

Music: Beat that is used for the non diegetic sound in our movie opening is slow and jammy beat, which straight away lets me know that the movie opening will involve drugs, as a lot of drug sellers listen to beats like that, well atleast within other films that I have seen. the sound plays a very large role within films as sometimes you can just listen to the bmovie and by the sound you can guess the genre of film that you are hearing. In our case, music allready would let the audience know that the opening sequence involves drugs, even though the visual part of it would leave the exposion till the end. So the slow beat represents drug selling that is happening in the opening sequence.

The first few scenes were filmed within artistic environment, which in our case was the art classroom of our school. This represents the artists being very free. This represents a theme of art, as it is quite popular for teenagers nowadays, as people are either very clever or very artistic. And in our opening sequence we set out clear representation of the art classroom and artists.

Overall mostly Ozzys lifestyle is the main story of our 2 minute opening sequence, so mostly Ozzy's social group is explored much more than the other characters social group. Ozzy's social status is represented through the drug selling. The storyline mentions that Ozzy comes from poor background and trying to get money for his family through this dangerous job, which is called drug selling. Also in our trailer, there are police car seen, which also might give the idea of crime, rule braking, which straight away gives the idea of lower class.

By: Simona Larka 9575

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