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Thursday 7 April 2011


The first shot. Latash walks into the shot from the bottom left. and she walks towards the door. This is a wide shot which captures the setting first and then we are introduced to the character.
We cut to Amanda inside the classroom doing her work. The audience should be able to make the link and realise this is the classroom Latasha is about to walk into. It is from behind Amanda and is a wide shot. This is to capture the setting and also show where the character lies amongst it.
An over the shoulder shot looking down at Amanda and her work. This gives the feeling that we are a third party within the room, almost like a teacher.
Close up of Latasha opening the door. We wanted to emphasise the fact that she's entering a new room. The close up builds up tension.
A pan from Amanda to the door as Latasha enters and the camera continues to follow as she walks in. The effect of the panning is again to make the viewer feel like he or she is an invisible 3rd party in the room who is watching the events.
A wide, profile, two shot as Latasha sits down opposite Amanda. The height of the camera is now level with the two seated characters which makes the viewer feel he or she has sat down with them.
Over the shoulder shot looking at Latasha as she speaks. The shot is quite high again. The viewer again feels like the teacher who is looking down at them.
A close up of Amanda's face as she replies. The close up allows the audience to see her mood and emotions. Her facial expressions shows that she is clearly bored and not particularly exited. This tells the viewer that the work is hard and she does not really want to do it. However she must do it, so she continues working as soon as she finishes replying to Latasha.
Over the shoulder two shot of both character reading. Latasha asks Amanda a question. This shot is high up and looking down to once again show that the viewer is a 3rd party and perhaps a teacher. 
The final shot is a medium shot of Amanda replying to Latasha question. She gestures to were the work is. Again the shot further supports the feeling that the viewer is a teacher overlooking the events. 
By Ash Khan

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