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Sunday 10 April 2011

Simona & Amira Prelim task


Use of settings

In order to set the right atmosphere, the setting needs to match the narrative of the script. The location we filmed in was the school property (CLC), which wasn't exactly the setting we were hoping for, but we had to make it work somehow. We used props such as the black curtains in order to get the right feel for what was going on, as bright colours wouldn't be suitable for the genre we were hoping to create. Other props we used were tables, chairs, lighting, as well as the piece of paper, which was a very important prop in order to create the sense of mystery we wanted to create, such as not seeing the characters face until the end of the video. The reason behind this was to draw people in and make them question the mysterious feel behind our filming. The shots were filmed in a way that showed the superiority of the opposite character of Simona which indicated her status as well as her power and how she had an affect on Simona. We used a large variety of shots in order to interest the audience and keep them on their toes and get a fresh, new feel of the different characters, narrative and the mise-en-scene.

180 degree rule, Angles

In order to give the right idea of the conversation and to make it clear and understandable for the viewers, we had to use the right angles and methods which were suitable for our sequence. which in this case was the 180 degree rule, camera angles and camera placing. If this is all done the correct way, it creates the right atmosphere and creates the right story, which made it flow. The rule of 180 degree involves placing the camera in the right position, which is in our case only placing the camera only on one side of the table. This makes it easier to edit and put together the shots that are needed and are useful.


The lighting that was used in our sequence, was mostly natural lightning from the windows. We found it much easier, as it was sunny outside. It would take more time to set up the lights, as we had experience with it before, we just decided that it would be much easier to use natural lighting. Mainly the corridor lights were used in the first shot. Once the main character entered the room, natural lighting for the windows were used. whilst the interrogation was occurring we used the lights from the windows as well, so we had no problems with the process of filming involving lighting.


Not only is the visual side of the video very important to express the narrative, but the sound and verbal side could be even more affective at moments. This is why we used a script to direct the audience onto the right path in understanding what is going on in the scene. This however was a success as the script was mysterious enough to draw in different types of audiences into wanting to find out what will be happening next which will in turn, make them interested into watching the rest of the sequence.


We were five people who took part in creating the short sequence. We all had very important roles to play in order to make the sequence a success. This is how we divided our roles in order to complete it on time:

Amira: Cameraperson, directing
Simona: Actress, taking care of the props needed.
Aneta: Actress, helped with planning
Loren: Camera, director
Chandni: Camera, helping with storyboard

Everybody did a very good job, as we were very happy with the outcome of the product we produced, as a group. We did use the 180 degree rule, which made it very understandable and easy to watched. The verbal side of the clip also helped to direct the viewers in to the right path in understanding the clip.

By Simona and Amira

Hazards Health and safety checks

Who/what could be harmed?
What are you doing to stop it?
Checked by whom and completed by when?
Food and drinks near the equipment.

Eating and drinking while filming could harm the equipment as well as the quality of focusing on filming.
We had few breaks to have some time to eat or drink. Also we let the crew know that they are not allowed to eat or drink while filming, as it could distract others, and get spilled all over the equipment.
This was done by the producer and right before filming.
Cold weather

If the weather is very bad on the day of filming, the crew could get cold. If it starts to rain and if there is no extra equipment to protect the cameras, they could be damaged.
Umbrellas should always be taken with, as you can never be too sure about the unpredictable weather. Also the crew should be given hot coffee or tea, if they are cold. Also the crew should be dressed comfortably and so they are warm.
There should be information sheet sent to every crew member, with warnings like this, so they are prepared.

By: Simona Larka 9575

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