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Friday 29 April 2011


Before we started filming, we went around the location we were planning to film in and took some photos. Here are the photos of our location.

This is the corridor we plan for Ozzy to walk through. We needed a corridor where there were two turns like an "S" shape. This is so Ozzy can exit through one corner and Simona can enter through another corner, which we need for the narrative of our product.
Another location we are considering for the characters to walk through. It shows that it is clearly a school or college corridor which is what we are trying to capture.

This is a shot of the school from the playground. We are not sure if we will be using a shot from here
+ In hind-site we did not use this shot as it didn't include sufficient detail we wanted. 

Another location we are considering. We are trying to capture a school environment.

We want to include this shot because it clearly shows a school environment. The goal posts and the pitch and the bench all add to effective mise en scene.

This is the one of the locations we are planning to use for the drug deal to occur.
In hind-sight we did not use this location. One reason was because cars were sometimes parked along the side and we did not want this.

The classroom scene. This photo is from where the classroom door is. We are considering using a shot from the door since Ozzy walks out through it.

Another shot of the classroom. This is from where the character Simona would be sitting. We wanted to see what areas we could include from her point of view.

This is the location where Ozzy walks through. Here we are trying to figure out which angle to shoot Ozzy from.

The last two shots are from the Simona's point of view. This is the 2nd location of the drug deal. We found this location better because it looked more like a school. 
In this shot we wanted to see how we could capture both Simona's location and Ozzy's location using the near wall and the far wall.
Written By Ash Khan
Photos Taken and Uploaded By: Simona Larka 9575

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