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Wednesday 27 April 2011

Risk assesment - Health and safety - Preventions !

Activity - electrical cables/wires

Hazard involved

Extremely hazardous to the filming crew, The public are indanger of tripping over the cables whilst film crew are filming the shoot. If filming outside, we need to be careful of the partially sighted because it could be extremely dangerous.


To organise all the wiring and where its going to be placed before the shooting the flim starts. Placing all the wiring/dolphins away from public. We could also use mats to cover the wires.

Activity - Heavy equipment

Hazard involved

Can be too heavy to carry around, could be hazardous to public aswell as crew.


Making sure the equipment are in their cases and not removed could be broken/damaged. Making sure the person carries the equipment carefully or two people carrying in case of injury.


Hazard involved

As the weather has been very snowy we need to check if theres no ice as this could be a big hazard to the crew who are acting aswell the public, we need to be careful of the icy streets as this could injure a person. We need to make sure that we have some grit at hand as this could be very useful to help get rid of the icyness.
Risks and prevention of the filming process

Absence's of some of the team members in our groups, If some of the team members were absent in the filming process (such as the actors) we could get some back up's as this could help us in the acting process because of the absences. Backups's are very well needed as the actor is not here, if there were no backups we wouldn't be able to act therefore were wasting time in our filming time.

By Amira Duale

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