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Sunday 10 April 2011

check list

( this is just so i know what need to be done)

1 Prelim task:

2 Planning:
- booking classroom
-Scan story board        <mac
-Do animatic               < mac
Write about props.
Painting of Simona

Organising Extras
-          Dara ,ahmed
-          The croud of girls
-          The girl in the hall way
Test shooting
-Make a short vid and do a voice over. Finish of the one we have.  <mac

-          Add photos to every post.

-Problems with ahmed not turning up
- problems with classroom . filmin time running out
- problem with the painting.

Problem with making the class look more full than it was
-          stringing the shots together
-          trying to make It make sense
-          trying to cut it down from 4 mins to 2.20
-          adding music, downloading it


Do the trailer < mac
< talk about its distribution, 
A freak production logo 
_ film and edit the questions < mac

IN the end, state people roles and explain how to use the site.

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