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Friday 29 April 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? EVALUATION QUESTION 1


  We used real media products as an example, as we researched on it quite a lot to set out a guideline of what exactly we had to do in order to make our movie opening look like a media product. We did get influenced by other media products, as there is certain way of doing things in the media world as well. Question that we came across often was: If our group did everything differently, would we succeed in being different in a good way, or we would just loose marks because of doing things in a different order. So this involved us a lot of research. As this time we chose not to be too spontaneous about it. So yes we did use conventions and form of real media products. But not to forget we tried our best in being different than others as well. Nowadays we do get influenced into doing things certain ways, as it was all started out that way, we just keep fallowing the path. It is just the way that most of the people roll, as they are too scared of being too different.
 In what ways
›   We did get influenced by other movie openings. We used media product, just as an example. Other media products showed us what works well and what don’t. We tried to take the best parts/shots/ideas and make them work even better in our movie opening. So one of things we learnt from other media products, were the mistakes that they made. And as people say you learn from mistakes.

›   The one thing we really used was the correct order of the titling. We had to find out which name goes before which. So the order we used was: The actors, the producer, camera person, the director and the last was the title of the film. This is one of ways which is being used often within a real movie opening .
›   We used the screen format of 16:9 which is also usually used in movies instead of TV Drama series. This also is one of the uses, that does express our movie opening being in the right format/size screen.
Development is seen in every new film, as they experiment with things, and by experimenting they develop the verity of shots and ideas that others might come up with. From developing the media world with new and unseen things, films keep growing by learning from one another. This is how media world keep improving by every film that is being made, as other movies that are being made learn from one another. It is like a chain of improvement. This is why development is one of key factors.
In what ways
I personally think that we had a very large variety of shots. We developed quite a lot from other shots that inspired us. Like the 90 degree shot of the main character Ozzy exiting the corridor and Simona running right behind him. I found this shot very interesting, and I haven't seen a shot like that in recent films that I have watched, so I think that this is very great development of few shots, that are not being used a lot in famous films but looks great.

›   Our media product don’t really challenge real media products, as the genre of our movie opening is very common. Our story is very realistic, which other movies might not have on their plate. This might be challenging to other media products in a way, that sometimes people wish to see realistic films about life instead of a made up story. It depends on what type of media products are being challenged. If it is fantastic story but in non fictional form, personally I would choose to watch something that I could relate to. As our movie is for 15+ even the parents of children could relate to our movie, as it might be very similar to their kids life stories. And all of my friends agree, that if the story relates to your life, you will want to watch it in order just to gain more information about it as well as to find out the conclusion. 

By: Simona Larka 9575

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