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Sunday 6 March 2011


This is a very short, summary of our film...

The story is about a  college student in London who is a keen artist but unfortunately he sells drugs because he comes from a poor family and is determined to have money.


Ozzy, a 18 year old college student who loves to paint is lead to sell drugs in order to provide for his family. His single mother is ill and he also has a younger brother to take care of. Ozzy's frustration of being poor has made him sell drugs. the story starts in Ozzy's college where the girl that he admires oversees him selling drugs to a shady character. Simona, who is the girl, is also in Ozzys Art class. She never thought much about Ozzy before she witnessed the incident but she then felt she had to help Ozzy to leave the drug selling life and pursue his artistic dreams.

Ozzy's and Simona's relationship grows and Simona eventually has feelings for him. Ozzy swears he will not sell drugs any more and tries to go to University however Ozzy's last customer had over dosed the drugs he sold him and died. The police are now investigating the boys death and Ozzy becomes extremly paranoid and depressed.

After constant efforts of leaving that life behind Ozzy's past always manages to creep up again. In the end, through investigation and an anonymous snitch, police crack down on Ozzy and raid his house. They find large sums of drugs in his bedroom and arrest him. His mother has a heart attack from the shock and dies and his little brother is sent to foster care.

Story created by Ash Khan

Posted by Ash Khan

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