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Monday 28 March 2011

                                                                     DVD Cover By Ash Khan

It is highly important to have a DVD cover, that will clearly show the genre of the movie, as if not the audience will get the wrong idea and be dissatisfied if they have expected something else.
The purpose of this DVD cover is to show the two main characters from film.

Ozzy, who is the main character of the movie is wearing a hoody and a hat, which represents his character very well. Ozzy is seen the most in the poster, as he is the main character and that the movie is mostly based on his life. On the other hand we see Simona, which is another character in the movie right behind him, as in the opening sequence we see her chasing after him quite a lot. She is standing near his right shoulder, which could give the audiance an idea of Simona helping him out quite a lot and that she will always be there to support him and help him out. The location this picture was taken is a park, which represents the place, where Ozzy usually sells drugs. The corners of the poster are faded in balck, which represents the dark theme of the movie. We didn't want it to look too happy, as we had to show the genre of the movie, so the people would have a clear idea of what the film is about. Word OzzY is the name of the movie as well as it has another meaning, which is hidden underneath the headding. OzzY also represents a way that drugs are measured. For people, that know this allready it would be very clear that this movie has a drug theme to it.

Film clasification is rated on 15+, as the film contains strong language and drugs. This is why we have chosen to rate it as 15+ movie. We don't want children to learn bad language while watching the movie as well as seeing drug dealing, as it could influence them in a bad way. We didn't rate this movie 18+, because we find it very important for children at the age of 15 to find out the real face of drug dealing, as they would find out about the consequences, which could make them understand the harm of drug selling and using.

Written By: Simona Larka 9575

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